Badminton is first of all a ludic sport, easy and accessible at any age. It allows the child or the adolescent to practice an intensive sport while preserving his joints thanks to the lightness and the handiness of the equipment, to improve his psychomotor capacities by the originality of the trajectory of the shuttlecock and also o sharpen his visual concentration and functions.
In short, badminton remains a sport that can be practised by everybody, outdoor or indoor, with more or less intensity, improving greatly the player’s wellbeing and physical condition.
BWF’s Shuttle Time Programme has provided many positive opportunities for young Surinamese to engage in sport through badminton. Take a look our Shuttle Time programme in Suriname!
BWF’s Shuttle Time Programme has provided many positive opportunities for young Surinamese to engage in sport through badminton. Take a look our Shuttle Time programme in Suriname!#badminton #bwfbadminton #bwfshuttletime
Dikirim oleh BWF Shuttle Time pada 1 Mei 2017