From 30 November to 4 December, a three-day BWF Shuttle Time Tutors Course and a two-day BWF Shuttle Time Teachers Course was delivered by BCA Development Officer, Bernadin Bokpe in Dakar. Both courses targeted male and female PE teachers, club badminton facilitators and Special Olympics facilitators. The courses attracted 34 participants from different regions of the country.
During the courses, all the participants showed high motivation and interest towards developing the sport using the Shuttle Time resources. At the end of the courses, 14 participants were certified as BWF Shuttle Time Tutors and Teachers.
Antoine Jean Joseph Diandy, President of CNPB Senegal:
“By launching the Shuttle Time Courses for tutors and teachers, BWF and the Badminton Confederation of Africa gave us the opportunity to popularise this sport throughout Senegal. This official launch followed by the two courses showed the Senegalese authorities the work that is being done to develop badminton at national level. Mr. Bernadin Bokpe has been able to transmit his charisma and knowledge to the tutors and teachers, who are the pioneers and remain the ambassadors of the badminton in Senegal. During the five days, teachers from the regions challenged each other to teach badminton in a fun way. We intend to give every child in Senegal the opportunity to practice. We thank BWF and BCA for the support and Senegal remains available for other training challenges.”